A few dozen, or even hundred, of Crazy Love was being given away at the recent Austin Christian Business Summit. A book about Love at a business function! I love it. Tom Morris would be proud (reference to his book "If Aristotle Ran General Motors").
After reading half of Crazy Love, I decided to slow the read down with the intention of reading it slowly over the next few weeks...more of a few paragraphs to go to sleep on type thing.
But, I finished it after 3 or 4 pick-ups. Chan has some extremely important things to say. His focus on Christ's demand that we love, coupled with disciple, baptize, and teach is hitting some points with my own thoughts and beliefs.
My two criticisms are about the title and a reference to what seems to be an indication of a "higher" calling of full-time vocational ministry (page 172). The critism about the title is more of a cultural thing I guess; why is it so crazy to love like Jesus said to? But, there is too much good material in this read to get hung up on either of these.
So, and though Chan mentions in a subsequent book he's written that this is not a book he's gone back to....to the Ponder list it goes.
I give the book Four Stars because
1. it is in my Ponder stack
2. not one I'll likely talk much about to others, though I will recommend (I know, wierd)
3. many good points about love
4. the subject matter itself, and well written along the lines of the subject
To that end...read well.