Sunday, January 11, 2009

Book: "Wordly Saints: The Puritans As They Really Were," by Leland Ryken

This book is on Dave Moore's Oxford Reading Tutorial. Special thanks to Dave.


The author, Professor Leland Ryken, states in Chapter 11 that his purpose, in part, for writing this book was:

1. to present the truth about what the Puritans thought and practiced and

2. he, Professor Ryken, was interested in what the Puritans can teach us.

I believe Ryken did a great job in laying out the good, bad, not-so-ugly, and the truth & beauty of who the Puritans were and what they've meant to today's culture. Providing, of course, that what he wrote is true, and if the number of pages of end notes and source material is any indication, then I assume it is, there is a wealth of information in these pages.

Anyone that believes in the priesthood of the laity will do good reading this book to understand how to not just believe but in how to practice such.

Professor Ryken accomplished his goal in writing the book.

Thanks Dave for the recommendation.

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