Saturday, January 10, 2009

Book: "The Prodigal God," by Timothy Keller

This book was a Christmas gift from my friend Nolan.

If you thought you know all about the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:1-3, 11-32, well, so did I.

Dr. Keller gives an entirely new meaning to this story Jesus told. To help me with what I was reading, I went on line and listened to 3 lessons Dr. Keller taught January, 2008, on this same subject.

If Dr. Keller's goal in writing this book was to open the reader's heart, mind, and soul to the entire story Jesus was telling here in Luke 15, he accomplished that with me.

The most profound statement in the lesson I listened to, though quoted a bit different in the book, was...

"it's not sin that keeps people from fellowship with God, but their damnable good works." (see page 77 in book).

Thanks for the book Nolan. It's going in the re-read stack.

Update: 2/1/2009 - still pondering Keller's writing. Cathy and I had a great discussion about parts of it yesterday. She is reading the book and I had to ask her if there were any "notes to self" I had made in the margins were embarrassing? She claimed....not too bad! The book continues to be provocative in my thoughts.

Update: 2/28/2009 -To listen to sermons related to Tim Keller's book The Prodigal God, from the series The Fellowship of Grace, click below -

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