I first came acquainted with this book in 2005 while reading Christopher Hall's "Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers." Hall's book was assigned in Dave Moore's book club and included an interview between Moore did with Dr. Hall in which Hall talked about the editing involved in with the series "Reading Scripture....."
From the General Introduction (included in all volumes)... The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture has as its goal the revitalization of Christian teaching based on classical Christian exegesis, the intensified study of Scripture by lay persons who wish to think with the early church about the canonical text, and the stimulation of Christian writers.
The time frame of these documents spans seven centuries......from the end of the New Testament to A.D. 750.
It seems that the older I become the more I'm drawn to what men before me have gone through. This has led me to reading about my country's founders, those who've fought for it's freedom, and now those who've defended the my faith. As yet have I found "nothing new under the sun" and that helps me in working out my salvation.
We live too much in today, this moment, and don't enough, if at all, realize what men and women have been thinking, and writing, and experiencing trials and triumphs since the beginning of time.
What Ambrose and Didymus and Bede and Augustine and all these old sages have to say about the scripture and life is so relevant to today's living.
It is going to be such a pleasure to see them in heaven.
God Bless and Read Well
From the General Introduction (included in all volumes)... The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture has as its goal the revitalization of Christian teaching based on classical Christian exegesis, the intensified study of Scripture by lay persons who wish to think with the early church about the canonical text, and the stimulation of Christian writers.
The time frame of these documents spans seven centuries......from the end of the New Testament to A.D. 750.
It seems that the older I become the more I'm drawn to what men before me have gone through. This has led me to reading about my country's founders, those who've fought for it's freedom, and now those who've defended the my faith. As yet have I found "nothing new under the sun" and that helps me in working out my salvation.
We live too much in today, this moment, and don't enough, if at all, realize what men and women have been thinking, and writing, and experiencing trials and triumphs since the beginning of time.
What Ambrose and Didymus and Bede and Augustine and all these old sages have to say about the scripture and life is so relevant to today's living.
It is going to be such a pleasure to see them in heaven.
God Bless and Read Well