Sunday, March 24, 2013


I haven't finished this book, but putting the post up to start journaling about this book on marketing. Actually, I'm going today to get it in hardback...too much important stuff to not being reading in hardback (for me), marking up and dating.

This is going to be a slow, Lot's of history!

3/31/2013: Finished a good summary of book, but will have to dig deeper into the Me vs We and relevance to my "Why" for needing to know all that. Good summary/ending.

The author makes a good case for -

The internet is a relationship building tool.

Truth? I bought and have been reading the hardback and I just don't get the point...this book is deeper than I can get right now.

But! I like the part about the internet being a relationship building tool. I get that.

6/9/2013: I've circled back numerous time to this book and the comment about the internet being a relationship building tool. This is deeper than I originally thought.

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