As the slow read goes, I've posted on Twitter (@DannyLSmith ) some of Augustine's conversations with God. Those posting themselves have brought about a few good conversations and are great thoughts for ponderings.
Here are those postings (Tweets) of 10/3/2009:
I came to yet I had never been in love, longed to love, sought an object for my love, in love with love... hunger was internal, deprived of inward food, that is of you yourself, my God
Hortensius' opinion was "philosophical study had no social utility & does not contribute to human happiness." @TomVMorris would disagree?
Any book which lacked His name, however well written or polished or true, could not entirely grip me....
I therefore decided to give attention to the holy scriptures and find out what they were like....
I found the Bible was composed in such a way that as beginners mature, it's meaning grows with them....Augustine
.....I disdained to be a little beginner ~ Augustine in Confessions
Augustine's "Confessions:" a prose-poem addressed to God, intended to be overheard by anxious and critical fellow-Christians
Choice of free will is the reason why we do wrong & suffer just judgement - a Plato theme heard in Ambrose's sermons
Augustine-the older I became, the more shameful it was I retained so much think there was more than the eye normally perceives
Augustine-I made an effort to lift my mind's eye out of the abyss, but again plunged back. I tried several times, but again..again sank back
Augustine-...these reflections depressed me once more and suffocated me.....In this way I made an effort to discover other principles
Augustine -such questions revolved in my unhappy breast, weighed down by nagging anxieties of the fear of dying before I found the truth
Augustine practiced well the discipline of Proverbs 25:2 "....and the glory of kings is to search the matter out." and to that end!