Thursday, August 21, 2008

Book: "The Gift of Work" by Bill Heatley

Dallas Williard starts this book off with a high expectation of what is to come in Mr. Heatley's The Gift of Work.

Dave Moore told me about the book and was intrigued by the name; I agree. What a gift work can be; what a gift work should be; what a gift work IS!

The typical person, me included, does not properly embrace the challenge of work and thus, we run from the stress of our work; we want our work to be easy. How many times have we said...just a day without problems.

As Gary Thomas might say, "what if work was more about making us holy instead of making us money and/or happy?"

Outline and details of The Gift of Work forthcoming.


Prologue: Work - What Was God Thinking?
1. Changing Our Minds About Work

2. Kindgom Living
3. Redefining Success
4. You Are Here: God as Our Reference Point
5. Not a Trivial Pursuit
6. Training as a Disciple of Christ
7. The Nucleus of Change

Appendix A:
How God Is in Business by Dallas Willard

Appendix B:
Unto This Last by John Ruskin

Appendix C: Bussiness - A profession by Louis D. Brandeis

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