Thursday, May 15, 2008

Book: The Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell

Wild at Heart at its best. Period-the-end.

I've been intrigued by Navy Seals since I first heard about them in 1973 as a brand new Navy E-1 (that's low of the lowly). The company commander in the barracks next to ours was a decorated Seal and I still to this day have never seen anyone that brought about such respect just by his presence. You notice I said "seen" and not met - I never met the man, just saw him. I later met another Seal while in Submarine school and was also struck by something about him.

So, my judgement of the book could be a bit tainted, but there have been few books I've read that drew from me such emotion.

Petty Officer Luttrell, and others such as him...Thank you for doing what you've done.

God Bless.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Book: John Newton - From Disgrace to Amazing Grace" by Johathan Aitken

What a remarkable man, life, and testimony. This is an incredible story of God's mercy and grace; rebelish as youngster and young adult, absent father he was trying to please, and slave-trader, enslaved himself who came to know Christ after numerous near-death experiences.

Newton turned pastor with a strong bent to be ordained by England's mainline church and later strongly influenced Member of Parliament William Wilberforce in Wilberforce who was later responsible for the abolishment of slavery in England and set the stage for President Lincoln's plan for the United States.

Newton can be described as persistent and purposeful. He knew he was called by the Caller to his life, his marriage, and his vocation. That vocation wasn't just in a pulpit, but to a life dedicated to Christ and that is the way he lived.

Few men have changed history the way John Newton has done and yet, he has managed to evade much of the publicity.

This book is must read for anyone interested in developing his or her leadership abilities.