Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Book: "God in Work" by Christian Schumacher

I'll update the notes later, but this is a very good book about bringing Biblical principles into the workplace in such a way that they literally make a diffence in a person's day-to-day job.

Explanations later, but some of this is along the lines of Bakke's Joy at Work. And like Bakke, this has a lot of hands-on experience over many years of practice.

This book is part of the reading in my Theology of Work studies.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Book: "Annointed for Business" by Ed Silvosos

I've been slowly rereading and taking more notes since my orignal read in Oct 2007.

From the Introduction:

The to a metropolis what the heart is to the human body. Yet millions of men and women who have been called to ministry in the marketplace feel like second-class citizens when compared to those who serve in a churhc or missionary context, and they often fail to rise to their God-appointed position. It is time to give marketplace people their rightful validation as full-fledged ministers, because the last revival - the one prophsied by Joel and quoted by Peter in Acts 2:17-21 - will take place all over the city and not just inside a church building.

This book is part of the reading in my Theology of Work studies.

More notes to come...